Friday, January 25, 2019

Rules of Engagement by Mika Jolie-Release Blitz

Release Date: January 25th 
Cover Designer: Okay Creations.


Rule #1: Don’t fall in love. 

As a single dad, my life revolves around my daughter. No complaints…until my ex-wife forces my hand over custody. 

I needed a cover story. In steps Katharine Morello. My best friend’s sister is ready and willing to be my fake fiancée.

Overnight we’re engaged. A temporary arrangement.

No sex. No strings attached. No complications.

Easy, right?

Not quite. The last few months, I’ve been doing dirty things to her in my imagination. But that’s all they’ll ever be. Fantasies. Rule #2: Don’t give in to temptation.

Neither of us is looking for a relationship. Been there. Done that. Even drank the Kool-Aid. 

So, you see, I can resist beautiful, sexy Katharine. It doesn’t matter she’s hot as f*ck with an amazing personality to boot. All I have to do is NOT touch her.

I’ve got this.

Spoiler Alert…One night make-believe merges with reality. Sparks fly—and burn.

Now I want her. All of her. Rule #3: See rule #1—don’t fall in love. 

Man. Hindsight’s a bitch.


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She moves into my space and tilts her head up, her eyes light and mischievous. 

“Kiss me, Lucas.”

The breath leaves my lungs in one gigantic swoosh. 

“Are you sure?”

“Let’s give them a show.”

I’m about to kiss Kate.

This time, I’m prepared.

Clasping my hands on either side of her face, I angle my head slightly. There’s a pause. A suspended moment where our eyes meet. The swirl of emotions I see there—apprehension, lust, desire—makes my heart trip.

We exchange breath. And then finally, my mouth dips to hers.

I try to remind myself we’re pretending, to stay calm, and in control.

My mouth is firm against hers. Her lips are sugar plum sweet and silky soft. The kiss remains gentle, slow. We hold it for a few seconds before our lips begin to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously.

Curiosity nudges for more. I move my hand from her cheek to the back of her head, my fingers tangling in her hair, holding her lips to mine, silently asking for permission. To my delight, a needy little moan echoes from her mouth to mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and parts her lips in gentle invitation.

And our tongues hungrily say hello.

A stimulating cocktail of endorphins explodes inside me. Sparks fly in every direction, lighting me up like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

Every single nerve explodes with heat.

I’m fired up. Turned on.

From somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind, I know this is a cover, that we aren’t real, but with Kate’s lips on mine, it’s hard to keep that thought. On a groan, I take all she has to give and deepen the kiss, forging ahead with no regrets. No reservations.

Many tales have been written about the Big Apple. But there’s nothing like kissing the woman you’ve been thinking about for what feels like forever in the middle of Manhattan.

The chaos from the street fades. The worries of the day evaporate like a summer shower falling onto a hot car, all noise instantly muting. The click-clack of heels rushes by us. We don’t hear them. People brush against us. We don’t feel them.

We are locked in the present, kissing each other as equal partners in passion, fucking each other with our mouths like we’re drowning and we are each other’s air, as if our lips were created for this sole purpose.

Talk about heaven on earth. 

This kiss is easily the hottest, most erotic kiss of my life.

My pulse patters faster and faster. The heat pouring into my veins as if pumped in through a hypodermic needle has nothing to do with today’s summerlike temperature but with desire.

I move one arm low around her back, drawing her closer, letting her feel every inch of me, how much she affects me. And we kiss and kiss and kiss.

About the Author: 

Mika Jolie is the bestselling author of the Martha’s Way series. She lives in New Jersey with her Happy Chaos—her husband and their energizer bunnies. A sports fanatic and a wine aficionado, she’s determined to balance it all and still write about life experiences and matters of the heart. Let’s face it, people are complicated and love can be messy. When she’s not weaving life and romance into evocative tales, you can find her on a hiking adventure, apple picking, or whatever her three men can conjure up.

She loves to hear from readers. Connect with Mika on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Amazon.

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