ARC Policy

ARC Receipt Requirements and ARC Review Policy:

We set review dates/request ARC titles based on our schedules. 

Once we have agreed to review your title, we ask that you have a review copy to us no later than 14 days prior to the agreed upon review date.  We are not able to promise the review will be posted on the previously agreed upon date if the ARC is received after this deadline.

Generally, we do not run reviews that we consider to be "low ratings" on the blog or FB page, nor do we post these reviews to retail sites.  We post on Goodreads as we finish a title and complete the review, Reviews will not be held on Goodreads as we consider doing so, or only posting positive reviews until a certain date, to be manipulation of reviews.  Our review policy states that anything under a 3 Star rating is a low rating and anything 3 Stars and above is considered a good rating.  

If you are working with a tour/promo company and the decision is made to not provide us with a review copy, we will not be able to run any previously scheduled promo posts for your title on Booked All Night.  

While we understand not all blogs will receive all review titles, it is our strict policy not to promote titles we have not personally read.

We accept review requests per the information stated HERE:

***Please note: Sending us the ARC, either personally or via your representative, will be seen as agreeing to the terms stated above.

*Updated 6-20-2020