Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Kiss Me by Samantha Chase - ARC Review & Release Blitz

Saying “I Do” to her boss seemed like a harmless solution to a potentially harmful problem.
But the only problem now is that she wants the marriage to be real.

When Marissa Barrett finds herself in a dangerous situation with her family, she needs help. Fast. Normally the queen of problem solving, this is one instance where she just can’t seem to find a solution on her own. All she wanted from her boss was help finding an attorney. But before she knows exactly how it’s happened, they’re standing in front of a justice of the peace.

Patrick Donovan would do anything to help Marissa. After all, she’s been helping him run his business for years. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t wildly attracted to her, but there was no way he would ever act on it. Plus, with his meddling family looking to see him settle down, the last thing he needed was any kind of romantic relationship. But when Marissa turns to him for help, suddenly he sees a way to do it that benefits them both.

One year of marriage. That was the agreement.
But everything’s negotiable, right?

*Each book in the Donovans series can be read as a standalone*

A Small Town, Marriage of Convenience, Workplace, Standalone Romance

Marissa and Patrick are coworkers (well, he's her boss) who need assistance dealing with issues that can be resolved by marriage. Or at least made easier. Or, really that's what they tell themselves.

And, isn't it convenient that they are available to marry one another? And, it's even more convenient that they are attracted to one another but doe to their working relationship, neither felt they could be together.

Is it an original story? No. But, is it a fun romance with characters I felt a connection to? Yes. And, really, what more is there to make an enjoyable read?

The secondary characters were interesting and I thought added an element to the story that worked well.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.


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