Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Dead & Breakfast by Emma Hart - ARC Review

I remember the first time I ever saw Detective Inspector Noah George.We were seven, stupid, and he threw sand in my eye. I’m pretty sure that’s when I fell in love with him. Hey—I did say I was stupid.

Summers in Fox Point, my grandfather’s seaside hometown, were all we had together. Then we turned eighteen, life happened, and he never spoke to me again.

Until my grandfather’s death calls me back to the small town, only for his lawyer to tell me he’s left me my family’s dilapidated bed and breakfast that was home to many things—my first sleepover party, where my grandma taught me to cross-stitch, my first kiss with Noah…

And apparently, my first dead body.

My name is Lottie O’Neil, and I’m on the hook for the murder of a man I’ve barely met.
And the one who’ll have to arrest me is the only man I’ve ever loved.
Unless I find the real killer first.

I've read most of the recent ritles by this author, but I haven't read her Holly Woods books, so I went into this one pretty fresh without a bunch of expectations.

That said, it was a delight to read. It had the fun and whimsy I expect from her books (although her romance titles do have fewer dead people) the excellent additional characters and enough going on around the story to leave me fully engaged in it.

Noah and Lottie have a painful history so him showing up at the scene of the murder where she found the body, impressively, allowed the day to go from bad to worse.

I enjoyed the parts of their relationship that was intertwined with the mystery and I'm looking forward to the next title in this series.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.

Buy This Book!

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