Following The Heiress Hunt, beloved author Joanna Shupe continues her new Fifth Avenue Rebels series with a scandalous romance about a good girl desperate to rebel and the rebel desperate to corrupt her.
A first-rate scoundrel.
A desperate wallflower.
Lessons in seduction.
The woman no one notices . . .
Shy heiress Alice Lusk is tired of being overlooked by every bachelor. Something has to change, else she’ll be forced to marry a man whose only desire is her fortune. She needs to become a siren, a woman who causes a man’s blood to run hot . . .and she’s just met the perfect rogue to help teach her.
He’s the life of every party . . .
Christopher “Kit” Ward plans to open a not-so-reputable supper club in New York City, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to hire the best chef in the city to guarantee its success. Even if it requires giving carnal lessons to a serious-minded spinster who has an in with the chef.
Their bedroom instruction grows passionate, and Alice is a much better pupil than Kit had ever anticipated. When the Society gentlemen start to take notice, Kit has to try to win Alice in other ways . . . but is he too late to win her heart?
Kit and Alice were one of those couples you just want to see end up happy. They were so perfect for one another, and what they wanted out of life fit so well with one another that even when there were struggles, you still wanted them to succeed.
I loved the writing of the book and I really enjoy this author's way of telling the story that makes you feel both invested and involved. Adding in the setting of the story, feeling involved with the characters definitely adds a dimension to it.
I also love the time period in which this series is set. It's not a common time for historical romance, and I think it makes them feel a little different as it's not a time period that is expected, if that makes sense.
Overall, I enjoyed and recommend this title.
Buy This Book!
Joanna Shupe's Website
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