Josephine Doyle believed in the gorgeous, grumpy golfer, even when he didn’t believe in himself. Yet after he throws in the towel, she begins to wonder if her faith was misplaced. Then a determined Wells shows up at her door with a wild proposal: be his new caddy, help him turn his game around, and split the prize money. And considering Josephine’s professional and personal life is in shambles, she could really use the cash…
As they travel together, spending days on the green and nights in neighboring hotel rooms, sparks fly. Before long, they’re inseparable, Wells starts winning again, and Josephine is surprised to find a sweet, thoughtful guy underneath his gruff, growly exterior. This hot man wants to brush her hair, feed her snacks, and take bubble baths together? Is this real life? But Wells is technically her boss and an athlete falling for his fangirl would be ridiculous… right?
I'm not a sports fan. And I'm definitely not a fan of golf, but it's Tessa Bailey and I knew I was going to love Wells and Josephine... even if it was a golf romance.
And I did. I loved this book. I loved both of the characters and who they were both as people and together.
You can't help but respond to how much Wells loves Josephine and how willing he is to put what she needs above his own needs. And how out of character it is for him (or at least who he's convinced himself he is.)
There's something so beautiful and relatable in the idea of finding someone to help you be the best you until you can do it on your own but still want them there, and that was the core of this story.
I loved their connection, the sex and dirty talk are what you expect from a Tessa Bailey title, it was funny in parts and broke your heart in others. It was perfect.
I enjoyed and recommend this title.
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