Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Little Too Late by Sarina Bowen - ARC Review & Release Blitz

How to behave when the guy who broke your heart two thousand miles away turns up in your office:

One: Don’t drop your lucky coffee cup in shock, even though it’s been ten years.

Two: Don’t get defensive when he asks how you ended up working his family’s ski mountain… and why you kept it a secret.

Three: Give him the worst room in the resort. He deserves it for suddenly waltzing back in like he owns the place. (Which he kind of does.)

Four, five, six, seven, eight and nine: Do not kiss him in the hot tub.

Ten: Try to keep your heart intact after you break all of your rules.

Because Reed is leaving again. Hate can't turn back into love. And it’s a little too late…

I love a well written 2nd chance. One that makes one of the characters the villain, but not so much of one that you can't get behind them getting back together, but is still enough to give you a reason for their split (however long ago) that feels real.

This was one of the best done 2nd chance titles that I have read in a while. I am not going to get into the reason for the split between Reed and Ava as it's also a big part of their story now, but I can say that this one worked for me, was believable, and actually added a depth to their story that really allowed the reader to not only see them as they are now, but also as who they were when they were together the first time.

There is some family drama and it's also handled in a real way, and in a way that didn't ever make me feel like it was being embellished for the plot (which is a silly thing to say as it's not about real people so it's always "for plot" but you know what I mean) but that it was moving the story along in a real way.

I also really loved the connection between Ava and Reed from the beginning, even when it was something they didn't want to admit was still there, each for different reasons. It was the focus of the story, but also balanced well with the other elements that were present, allowing the romance to feel richer because of the things happening around it.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.


All in one link page: https://shor.by/MadiganMtn

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