Never make a bet with a man who plays to win...
Especially not a man like handsome, arrogant Connor Pratt.
AKA the huge PITA who’s currently crashing in my spare room.
AKA my brother’s best friend since they were about six.
AKA the one guy who still makes me feel like an awkward tongue-tied loser.
But when Connor moved in, I got a glimpse of another side of him. Because, like me, Connor’s going through a nasty break-up. And, like me, he’s just doing whatever he can to get through it.
Unfortunately, his method involves drinking alarming amounts of whiskey and watching a lot of, um … movies … that make every inch of my skin flush.
I’m just trying to be helpful when I tell him that he should try my way: copious amounts of baked goods, sappy romantic comedies, and late nights spent whining with girlfriends.
But I should have known Connor would take that as a challenge.
Now, he says he’ll try my way of dealing with a break-up … but only if I agree to try his. Six months rent to the person whose method works best.
We call it the break-up bet. And I’m going to win. Except right now, it feels like there’s a whole lot more at stake than just rent money…
And, I laughed. That matters in a romantic comedy, and it is hard to make sure one with a premise like this one doesn't go off the rails into crazy comedy territory.
I believed in the chemistry between Connor and Lucy. I enjoyed that they were friends, that they genuinely enjoyed one another, and that they really wanted the other to be happy. I felt so sorry for Connor at the end, at the choice he made, in my opinion, really solidified how he felt about Lucy...which is what matters the most in a romance, that I believe in the relationship.
I enjoyed and recommend this title.
I have a weakness for books about crushes involving a sibling's best friend; or a person falling for their best friend's sibling. I don't know what it is, but I just love reading it. Maybe it's the fact that it's usually people who have been a part of each other's lives for a long time and just one of them finally looking at the other in a new light, but it's one of my favorite tropes to read. I thought the Author did a good job utilizing it here.
I liked Lucy-most of the time. I loved her job, it's one I find really cool in real life and I thought the Author displayed it accurately. She's fun and sweet but she definitely has some trust issues. I think she grew throughout the book though and while there were moments I definitely was frustrated with her, I understood why she was acting the way she was.
Connor was exactly what I was expecting him to be. Sexy, smart and exactly what Lucy needed. I enjoyed getting to know him and watching him fall for Lucy.
These two definitely had chemistry, and I believed it. I believed in their progression from friends to lovers, and I definitely was cheering them on. Their sexy times were sexy, but their times outside of the bedroom were fun as well. I liked getting to watch them as their relationship progressed.
The plot here was fun, and I definitely did laugh. I thought the premise was unique and I enjoyed the Author's spin on it. The secondary characters were fun There were a couple spots the book dragged a tiny bit to me, but overall it flowed well.
This was my first Cat Carmine book but I will definitely read her work again. This book was a fun read and I recommend it.
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Author Bio
Cat Carmine writes contemporary romance and romantic comedy. She also happens to like drinking wine, eating cake, buying too many books, and snuggling with her elderly cocker spaniel (oh, and her husband too.) She loves — and writes — books with sweet and sarcastic heroines and strong, sexy heroes who like a little bark with their bite. She thinks witty banter is the best kind of foreplay, and she tries to infuse all her stories with heart, humor and heat.
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